日本心理カウンセラー協会 心理勉強会 2023年 第1.2版



目的を見失ってしまったらどんな優れた技術や知識も無意味です。気づかないうちに心理カウンセリングの目的(本質)を見失っていませんか? 傾聴のやり方・技術だけではなく、その本質的な意味を知ることで心理カウンセリングをさらに良く進化させることができるのです。



辞書には「心理とは行動に表れる心の動き」とありますが、心理カウンセラーは「行動」ではなく、見えない「気持ち」に寄り添うことが求められます。不登校は登校すれば解決、拒食症は食べれば解決でしょうか? それでは行動の矯正に過ぎません。心理カウンセラーは心の中で起きている問題を解決しなければならないのです。












人生の最高責任者として最も大きな責任とは何でしょう? 逆に「決して自分にやってはいけないこと」とは何でしょう? なぜ野生動物は最初にボスが獲物を食べるのでしょう? なぜ人は好んで行列に並ぶのでしょう? そこに自己愛の本質を正しく理解できるヒントがあったのです。


















代表 前田大輔

Psychological Counselors Psychological Study Group 2022, 1st Edition

Six themes of "Anshin Studies®︎"

● "The Purpose of a Psychological Counselor".

Any good skill or knowledge is meaningless if you lose sight of your purpose. Have you lost sight of the purpose (essence) of psychological counseling without realizing it? By knowing not only the methods and techniques of listening, but also the essential meaning of listening, psychological counseling can be further developed.

(1) "Do you know what the most valuable freedom is?"
(2) Key words to measure "health".
(3) "Listening" is not the goal.

● Distinguish between "facts" and "feelings".

The dictionary says that "psychology is the movement of the mind expressed in action", but Psychological Counselors are required to be close to the invisible "feelings" rather than "actions". Can truancy be solved by going to school or anorexia be solved by eating? This is only a correction of behavior. The Psychological Counselors has to solve the problems that are going on in the mind.

(1) "Facts" are the outer world, "feelings" are the inner world.
(2) Solve the "feeling problem" instead of the "real problem".
(3) Distinguish between "gentleness" and "sweetness".

● The mind (the unconscious) begets emotions.

The mind is the place where emotions (feelings) are born. And it can be said that this is the realm of the "unconscious" where the power of consciousness and will cannot reach. When you "cherish" someone, you feel tender, and when someone "cherishes" you, you feel safe. It is an emotion that has important implications for "mental health", which occurs in everyone's "mind" in common.

(1) "Emotions" are the words of the heart.
(2) "pleasant" and "unpleasant".
(3) "Cherish" and "be cherished".

● "The mind (unconscious) doesn't think."

The conscious mind thinks at will, but the unconscious responds reflexively without thinking. What's more, it's quick and never strays. This is because the unconscious response is directly related to "achieving a certain goal". Therein lies the serious reason why you can't/shouldn't control your mind.

(1) You can't convince the mind.
(2) Reactions necessary for "living".
(3) "Peace of mind" rather than "safety".

● The mind (unconsciousness) makes the physical condition.

It is the autonomic nervous system that allows the body to survive during sleep and unconsciousness. The mind (unconsciousness), which has no influence on consciousness, is deeply involved with the autonomic nervous system. Some people can get infected with the virus and still get sick and others don't. This is the difference in immune resistance. The speed at which people heal from illness or injury varies from person to person. This is the difference in natural healing power. The health of the mind is directly related to the function of making the body healthy.

(1) "Motor nerves" and "autonomic nerves".
(2) "Sympathetic" and "parasympathetic nerves".
(3) "immune resistance" and "natural healing power.

● "Self-love" and "self-abuse".

What is your greatest responsibility as the person in charge of your life? Conversely, what are the "things you should never do to yourself"? Why do wild animals have a boss eat their prey in the first place? Why do people like to stand in line? Therein was a hint that I could properly understand the nature of self-love.

(1) What is "love"?
(2) Points to be aware of "self-abuse".
(3) "Environmental stress" and "past trauma" are not causes but consequences.

Compliance(Updated 12/05/2022)

【What is compliance?】

Compliance is also referred to as "legal compliance". It is natural to comply with laws and regulations when operating in society, but in a job that involves feelings of "security" and "anxiety," it is possible to miss the essence of a legal argument.
The activity guidelines, which are consistent with the JMCA's philosophy of "making the hearts and minds of loved ones healthy," will be updated as "Compliance" in a timely manner and published on the official website.
We ask for the understanding and cooperation of our regular members.

1.Basic guidelines

Regular members are "Who is in charge of the highest responsibility in life? Do you give them the freedom to choose, and do you support their decisions? Do you distinguish between reality and feelings? We must abide by the Association's policies based on the "Anshin Gakushu®︎" and take care not to violate the Association's philosophy of "making the mind healthy".

2. Definition of words and activities/actions

The activities and actions that regular members perform on clients, such as counseling, coaching, advice, appraisal, fortune-telling, and treatment, are called "sessions". Desirable sessions conducted by regular members are "words and actions that have a positive psychological impact and make the mind healthy," with the principle of "not touching the body of the consultant" and "not advocating physical effects.
In addition, the consultee may request an unconditional cancellation at any time during this session, and the active member who receives such a request must unconditionally and immediately cancel the session.

3.Cautions when using the name of the association

When regular members use the name of "NPO Japan Counselor Association" or "JMCA", it is necessary to clearly indicate the regular member number and the name of the certification granted by the association.
Of course, you are free to use other methods than those approved by the NPO Japan Psychological Counselors Association, but in that case, you are prohibited from using the name "NPO Japan Psychological Counselors Association" or "JMCA" to prevent misunderstanding that the sessions are approved by the NPO Japan Psychological Counselors Association.

4. Session rewards

If a session is charged, it must be explained that the session is not free of charge, and the fee must be documented in writing, such as the time, content, and fee of the session and the content of after-sales service, and the consent of the consultant must be obtained before the session begins.
If a paid session is conducted to the contrary, the charge will be null and void if requested by the consultant.

5. Being associated with a specific religion or organization

Regular members are free to join, criticize, or deny any religion, organization, or business based on their personal beliefs, but they are prohibited from soliciting, criticizing, or denying membership in a particular religion, organization, or business to their counselors.
This rule also applies to friendships between regular members.

6. Warnings and penalties from the Association

In the event of a violation, the Association will issue a warning to the active member.
If the active member does not respond to the warning with remorse and sincerity, the Association may expel the active member and, if deemed necessary, take legal action such as reporting the matter to the police, filing a lawsuit, or claiming compensation for damages.


Japan Psychological Counselors Association
Representative Daisuke Maeda

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